I bought 3 groups of loose 15mm figures on eBay that I'm going to fix up for my Brigadier Army of New England. The first regiment will be the 5th New York Zouaves, followed by the 4th Rhode Island Volunteer Light Artillery, the 7th Mass. Infantry, and the 3rd US Infantry. The Army of New England is led by Brigadier General Clarence McAnally III.
A solo-wargames blog dedicated to warfare from 1800 to 1918. "Truly it can be said of him, without count are his soldiers & beyond measure his might." - Prince Edward in reference to Lord Butler & his invasion force departing London for Mars.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Year in Review and Forward Thoughts on the New Game Year
Despite my paint and game totals I did accomplish a lot in 2012. Started several new periods/genres, sold a ton of minis that I was never going to game with and purchased a ton more that I will. I still have thoughts of consolidating my six wargame blogs into one, but am simply not going too. There exists too much uniqueness to my 6mm Republic of Prussia and Duchy of Saxe-Huack blogs to mix them with others. I have many thoughts on new and existing campaigns for the coming year. I will continue to sell off minis that will not be gamed by myself or family and use those funds to purchase items that will see use and bring merriment.
2012 Gaming Year In Review.
Adventures with Gun, Sabre & Horse
Created my VSF Campaign. Continued work on Balkans Campaign and WW2 German Army, WW1 French. Colonial battles were fought.
Duchy of Saxe-Huack
Work continued on the Frei Stadt of Bittburg Army, it's only 4 elements from being finished. Horror skirmish side campaign introduced.
6mm Republic of Prussia
Expanded campaign to include Africa. Major character was severely wounded requiring retirement. UN troops introduced.
The Comet Empire
Reintroduced 15mm to the campaign at my son's request. Work up 6mm RPG system and expand upon it.
The Chronicles of Aeyr
Lots of action here. Games played. The Black Dungeon was created. 25mm warband painted up and ready for battle.
The Valeria Victrix
My Imperial Roman Legion Project in 6mm takes flight. First centuria painted up, based and flocked. Celtic Project began as OPFOR for Romans.
Upcoming Game Year
New Campaign Ideas
Microscale WW2 at Brigade and Division Level.
Microscale Modern at Brigade and Division Level.
Current Campaigns
Find troops for Balkans Campaign.
Finish Texas VSF Army.
Add Steam-Tech elements to VSF Armies.
Finish 15mm WW2 German Army.
Find troops for some VSF Factions.
Continue work on Fantasy Campaign.
Expand the Black Dungeon.
New Game Ideas
15mm WW2 Bush War FUBAR Skirmish.
Brigadier WW2 Rules
Commodore WW2 Naval Rules
2012 Gaming Year In Review.
Adventures with Gun, Sabre & Horse
Created my VSF Campaign. Continued work on Balkans Campaign and WW2 German Army, WW1 French. Colonial battles were fought.
Duchy of Saxe-Huack
Work continued on the Frei Stadt of Bittburg Army, it's only 4 elements from being finished. Horror skirmish side campaign introduced.
6mm Republic of Prussia
Expanded campaign to include Africa. Major character was severely wounded requiring retirement. UN troops introduced.
The Comet Empire
Reintroduced 15mm to the campaign at my son's request. Work up 6mm RPG system and expand upon it.
The Chronicles of Aeyr
Lots of action here. Games played. The Black Dungeon was created. 25mm warband painted up and ready for battle.
The Valeria Victrix
My Imperial Roman Legion Project in 6mm takes flight. First centuria painted up, based and flocked. Celtic Project began as OPFOR for Romans.
Upcoming Game Year
New Campaign Ideas
Microscale WW2 at Brigade and Division Level.
Microscale Modern at Brigade and Division Level.
Current Campaigns
Find troops for Balkans Campaign.
Finish Texas VSF Army.
Add Steam-Tech elements to VSF Armies.
Finish 15mm WW2 German Army.
Find troops for some VSF Factions.
Continue work on Fantasy Campaign.
Expand the Black Dungeon.
New Game Ideas
15mm WW2 Bush War FUBAR Skirmish.
Brigadier WW2 Rules
Commodore WW2 Naval Rules
Final Results: The Pledge 2012
Merry Christmas! It's Christmas Day which means my gaming year begins anew. A tradition that dates back to childhood when I would receive cash from my aunts and uncles and used that money to build up my model armies at that time. I can remember fancying myself the "Inspector General" of my Imagi-Nations and perusing armaments to acquire for the army.
Pledge Final Results 2012
6mm: 273/1059
15mm: 188/800
25mm: 13/21
54mm: 0/0
1/72: 0/0
Terrain & Acc: 23/5
Total: 497
Goal: 1000
Games Played Final Results 2012
Bush War FUBAR: 16
Hordes of the Empire: 1
Dark Myth: 8
Pathfinder RPG: 1
Hordes of the Things: 2
Song Blades&Heroes: 3
Total: 31
Target: 50
Now, it's time to set target goals for the new gaming year. I only achieved 49.7% of my desired painting goal. So I could reduce that desired number. I just started using a goal last year, so I have considered removing it and just tallying what I do paint with the ambition of increasing each year. However I do like the idea of setting a goal for myself to achieve. So I think I shall set the goal of beating last years total. As far as "Games Played" goes I do want a goal there, and I am going to keep it at 50 for now. I believe that in this new gaming year I will surpass that number with ease.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Battle of the Alamo Vignette: SE Wall
I assembled and painted up this vignette as a Christmas gift to a friend of mine. He's not a wargamer so he won't notice the combatants are out of place. Besides it's the thought that counts.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
15mm UEF Infantry Squad and Mech
Friday, December 14, 2012
VSF: Texas Tea in China - The Republic Strikes Back!
The Republic of Texas sent an aether ship and a platoon of soldiers to Hong Kong, China to investigate the alledged kidnapping of Texas import millionaire, R. George Burt. The Hong Kong Expedition arrived at Mr. Burts warehouse on the western outskirts of Hong Kong close to the silk farms where he purchased his inventory. Lt. Don Gobel leads a squad of soldiers down to investigate the charred remains of the building once known as Burt Far Asia Imports.
Initial deployment. Boxers on the left, Texans on the right. |
Lt. Gobel's squad investigates the ruined warehouse while Sgt. Holcomb's squad waits on the aether ship. |
RTAS Auston with sailors and soldiers of the Hong Kong Expedition. |
Nationalist Chinese Boxers. |
Boxers spot the hovering aether ship and advance to kill more foreigners. |
Seeing the advance Lt. Gobel's soldiers on the ground and his men and sailors in the aether ship fire on the advancing Boxers killing 4. |
Boxers in their frenzy charging the warehouse. While his squad shoots them down, Lt. Gobel orders Sgt Holcomb to burn down the Boxer Communal Hall and for his men on the ground to "FIX BAYONETS!" |
Texas Sailors maneuver the aether ship over the Boxer communal hall. |
Boxers dying at the feet of the Texans! |
Sgt Holcomb and a trooper set fire to the Boxer hall. |
Crazed boxers charge in and kill 2 Texans in bloody hand to hand combat. |
The RTAS Auston circles back to the warehouse to find Lt. Gobel with 3 of his soldiers left holding the warehouse surrounded by dead Boxers. |
The battle was fought using my Bush War FUBAR mod. The Boxers were classed as Green d6 troops, with the Texans as Seasoned d8 troops.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
VSF: Rep. of Texas: 1st Tex Light Infantry (Bushwhackers)
Finished up the first element of Lurkers for my VSF Texas Army. Co A, 1st Bn, 1st Texas Light Infantry, Alamo Brigade, Army of the Republic.
VSF Venus: Atlantean War Beasts
Saturday, August 18, 2012
25mm British Coal-Fueled Walker
Here is the last VSF model I will do in 25mm as I am switching to 15mm. I had this based up for years and decided I would go ahead and paint it although I'm done with the scale. I have not finished it, the model still needs a coat of matte to subdue the shiny but my wife took the camera to her mothers this weekend so I had to grab this pic while I could. I will post this walker, a steam tank and a large squad of British troops for sale next week.
Yes it's an old GW 40K IG Walker fitted out with a 25mm Ral-Partha British Artillery Crewman as the pilot.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
VSF The Republic of Texas: Newly Painted Elements
Finished painting and basing up 3 more elements for my Brigadier-VSF Republic of Texas Army, The Alamo Brigade. My basing brush must have been too wet for the glue did not adhere in some small spots on the base but it's hard to tell without staring close. Maybe I can patch them with grass later.
The General's element along with 2 rifle elements. |
Friday, August 10, 2012
VSF Venus: Atlantean Crystalmancer
I present the artillery element for my VSF Venusian Army of Atlantis Nova. Long ago the Atlanteans harnessed the power of crystals and this Crystalmancer commands a mighty blue arcane crystal to bring down doom upon any foe. Also the Crystalmancer's fighting blade has it's own crystal molded in the hilt making him a powerful warrior. The ancient alter that holds the blue crystal has vines and vegetation growing on and between the stones, but the powerful crystal sits atop unblemished.
The picture doesn't do the crystal justice.
Brigadier WW1 French Army Cavalry
The first element of cavalry for my Brigadier WW1 French Army. I have one more element on the workbench and hope to have it posted soon.
Friday, August 3, 2012
Venus: The Atlantean Army
I present the surviving Atlanteans. An army for Brigadier Victorian Sci-Fi Battles. Their number one enemy is their escaped lizardmen slaves, whom have populated large areas of the steamy jungle planet of Venus. Atlantis Nova is the greatest city of Venus and stands stalwart against the lizardmen and the harsh environment of Venus.
I am thinking that these models will feature white clothing and tanned skin tones. Their plumes will vary and the tips of their weapons will reflect the colors of the weapon crystals the Atlanteans have mastered. Also am considering crafting a crystal artillery piece. The individual based models behind the army are for FUBAR skirmish battles.
1 General
4 Spears
6 Shooters
2 Beasts
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Republic of Texas: The Alamo Brigade (1st Texas Brigade)
Below is a picture of my Brigadier army and FUBAR skirmish force thus far. Have yet to paint up an OPFOR but I'm working on it. I've decided to name these models The Alamo Brigade or the 1st Texas Brigade. The Brigade is commanded by Brigadier General Juan Erasmo Seguin, with his headquarters at Camp Seguin which was named for his father, Juan Seguin, President of Texas from 1861 to 1869.
Republic of Texas: Texas Bushwhackers (1st Texas Light Infantry)
Austin, TX: Camp Travis, Army General Headquarters. Gen. John B. Hood seeing the need for a quick recon force coupled with the capability for hit and run tactics ordered the creation of the 1st Texas Light Infantry today. Three battalions of three companies each will be raised with each company stationed throughout the republic. The Light Infantry will take on the moniker of the Texas Bushwhackers due to their covert nature. Each brigade will have it's own company assigned to it used at the discretion of the brigade commander. The call went out for volunteers among the regular army, the Alamo Guard and local militias. Pictured below are three units of Bushwhackers in training at Camp Bowie, in Brownswood. The Light Infantry will be commanded by Lt. Col. Woodford H. Mabry. Colonel Mabry has established his regimental headquarters at Camp Travis, with the three battalions induction barracks each at Camp Bowie, Camp Seguin and Camp Liendo in the Yucatan province.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
British Solar Empire: Lt. Butler's Detachment
Arriving in London, our hero Lt. Geoffrey Arthur Charles Butler reports to the Admiralty and is informed of his next assignment. You have been selected to lead 14 British Tars to an exotic location....Venus, inform your men as you deem fit, only ensure no dissent. Suffice it to say you will encounter dangerous natives, wild beasts and a deadly landscape. Begin training your men immediately, for you will set sail soon to stake the Queen's claim in a great unexplored vastness.
These 15mm minis are based on U.S. pennies and will conduct their battles using the FUBAR-VSF rules. I wanted to flock them with a neutral material that would be suitable for battles in a myriad of environments from Africa, India, and Mars to Venus and the Moon.
1 Officer, D12, Lt. Geoffrey Arthur Charles Butler
2 NCOs, D10, Sgt Hunt and Cpl Smith
12 Soldiers, D8
Republic of Texas: First 15mm Army Units
Finished up flocking the first batch of my Texas Army units. My VSF 1880 to 1899 campaign encompasses 2 rule systems thus far. Brigadier for mass battles and FUBAR-VSF for skirmish.
Brigadier: First up and first in the fight a bold Texas Ranger.
Brigadier: Next up a battery of the Victoria Light Artillery.
FUBAR: A squad of Texas soldiers from the 1st New Braunfels Rifles. Led by Lt. Don Gobel.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Republic of Texas: RTAS Auston
Finished up my first scratch built aeronef for my VSF campaign. The Republic of Texas Aeronef Ship Auston. Named for the great Texas Navy Captain Baden J Auston hero of the Battle of Cozumel during the War of the Mexican Succession.
No gun at the moment. The minis are unpainted RAFM US Infantry. They will serve as the first soldiers of the Texas Army. The Auston and crew will soon see action not only on Earth but the Moon, Mars and Venus.
The Auston was contructed from carboard, a failed Xmas ornament, bottle cap, plumbing copper piece, plastic artillery limber wheels and a straw. With a screw and wood chip for a base. I know it's not great but I am proud of my first scratch built vessel.
Friday, July 13, 2012
Republic of Texas: Texas Army Uniform Template
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Texas Navy Airship in Dock
Here is the first photograh of the Texas Navy Airship still under construction in air dock in Galveston. Once fitting out is complete the airship will be painted with the Texas Naval Colors and christened into active service.
Texas Navy Announces First Aether Ship
GALVESTON: The Texas Navy has finally acquired enough aether to begin building the first airship for the Republic. The airship is still in design phase, below is a photograph of the naval shipwrights desk showing the blueprint design of the new vessel. The Navy has yet to announce the name of the ship, nor the number of crew involved in it's operation. Also we can only speculate as to the operational role the airship will have.
Friday, July 6, 2012
VSF Background
A quick summary of my first thoughts for my VSF campaign. Now I'm not saying that I'm going to make armies or even warbands for that matter on each faction, but they will play a part in politics and intrigue.
Earth Factions
Texas (Loose alliance with the CSA and is currently at peace with the Empire of Mexico.)
USA (Loose alliance with Germany and Russia. The USA is a rising power.)
CSA (Loose alliance with Texas but heavy dependence on allies of Britain and France.)
Britain (A world superpower.)
Japan (A rising world power.)
Germany (A world superpower.)
France (A world superpower.)
Russia (A rising world power.)
Austria-Hungary (A rising world power.)
Xeno Factions
Atlunis (Red Martians, founders of Earth's lost city of Atlantis.)
Hurundi (Green Martians, barbarians, enemies to all.)
Borundi (Blue Martians, nomads, neutral faction but will freely raid where they can get away with it.)
Pafar (Birdfolk Venusians.)
Jafar (Lizardfolk Venusians.)
Earth Factions
Texas (Loose alliance with the CSA and is currently at peace with the Empire of Mexico.)
USA (Loose alliance with Germany and Russia. The USA is a rising power.)
CSA (Loose alliance with Texas but heavy dependence on allies of Britain and France.)
Britain (A world superpower.)
Japan (A rising world power.)
Germany (A world superpower.)
France (A world superpower.)
Russia (A rising world power.)
Austria-Hungary (A rising world power.)
Xeno Factions
Atlunis (Red Martians, founders of Earth's lost city of Atlantis.)
Hurundi (Green Martians, barbarians, enemies to all.)
Borundi (Blue Martians, nomads, neutral faction but will freely raid where they can get away with it.)
Pafar (Birdfolk Venusians.)
Jafar (Lizardfolk Venusians.)
Thursday, July 5, 2012
VSF Campaign: Map of North America circa 1889
First draft of North America for the start of my VSF campaign. Adventures will circle the globe as well as taking place on the moon, Venus and Mars.
America: U.S. Civil War begins in 1849 and ends in 1853 with a southern victory. The southern states form the Confederate States of America. The USA moves forward with expansion in the northwest. The CSA fights a brief war with Spain for possession of Cuba. The CSA is eyeing expansion in South America.
Texas: Texas never joined the union. The Yucatan joined Texas in 1836 fighting for independence from Mexico with both winning their freedom. Five years later the Yucatan Republic joins the Republic of Texas. In 1849 Texas purchased land due west of the republic from the Empire.
Mexico: Santa Anna died with no heir. Maximilian of Austria is offered the throne and accepts. By 1890 Maximilian IV rules an Empire that stretches from the United States to Columbia.
Britain: The British Empire takes Alaska during the Crimean War. Grants Quebec semi-autonomy and rules an Empire known now as The British Solar Empire.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Uniform Template: Moden Guard, Huack Royal Army

Royal Army Order 1881.3.16.007 Dress Regulations - Uniform of the Royal Moden Guard.
For those elements of the Royal Moden Guard. The standard khaki Royal Army trench coat shall be issued to all Guards as well.
Major General Erik von Falkynhuack
Royal Army
Principality of Huack
Thursday, March 1, 2012
HOTE Battle: Mafeking Zulus vs. 7th Foot, British Army
Traveled down to Fort Smith today to visit my son James and his bride to be Jessica. We met up for lunch and then headed over to Hawgshead Comics on Greenwood Ave for some Magic CCG games and Hordes of the Empires. Now, I apologize, but I forgot the battlefield and the rules so we had to make due from memory and this was our first go of HOTE all together.
The British Deployment
We each played with 24 points. The British Baggage Camp came from my Duchy of Saxe-Huack SYW Army, but HEY, at least were wargaming and having fun. :)
The Zulu Deployment
The first couple of turns saw the armies advance on the Mafeking plains. Sunlight glitterd off spear points and the air was pierced with the shouting of orders and marching of boots.
In the picture above James sent his Cavalry (Kn) around the hill to attack my left flank in the rear.
Above the Skirmishers followed by the Chief and 2 Warbands advance upon the woods towards the Gatling Gun. I pulled 1 Warband off to stall the Cavalry "coming round the mountain." The action on the right flank is all close order marching to battle.
As the above picture shows I was able to sneak a single Warband into the Baggage Camp but blast the dice the Camp Defenders won!
But next turn it was over (we played this way due to time restraints) the British General took a spear and now has a maggot hole in his belly.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
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